Friday 30 May 2014

Places to Eat: Gojis

As the weather starts to warm up, people are starting to look for cold, sweet treats. For anyone looking for something delicious and fun, Gojis is the place to go!

There are several places to sit and enjoy your frozen yogurt treat. There's a bar and stools facing out the window, couches next to a mounted fireplace on the wall and tables with comfortable chairs placed close by the yogurt.

                                                                   Bar stool seating.

                                                              Couches by the fireplace.

                                                    Chairs and tables by frozen yogurt.

A new addition to the area, located in the Bridgeview Plaza as part of the strip mall, Gojis is a frozen yogurt bar where customers can sample flavours before picking their ideal type of frozen yogurt. There are fruit options like fruit punch or boysenberry and fun sweet flavours like wedding cake and marshmallow.

                                                                Some of fruity choices.                                                              

                                   Marshmallow frozen yogurt and fruit punch sorbet.

                                            Wedding cake and Punchy Pistachio.

                                                            Choose your flavour.

After picking the frozen yogurt of your choice, fro-yo lovers move on to the toppings bar where they can choose from healthy options like strawberries, blueberries and blackberries or candy options like Oreo cookie crumble, gummy worms, and chocolate brick candies.

                                                                Choose your topping.

                                                      Fruit and crumble topping options.

                                                              Candy topping options.

Then there's sauces and sprinkles. Nutella, marshmallow, chocolate, caramel and more can be chosen to top off the perfect frozen yogurt treat! Once your yogurt masterpiece as been created, it gets weighed to determine the price. Gojis-goers are encouraged to provide a phone number at the cash to rack up points for deals later.

                                                               Toppings bar.

                                                          Weighing frozen yogurt to pay.

In addition to making your own frozen yogurt, they also sell smoothies as wells as pies and frozen yogurt to go in their mini freezer.

                                                                     Smoothie menu.

                                                    Pies and frozen yogurt to go.

Kristyn is one of the friendly staff members at Gojis who is helpful with getting you frozen yogurt samples, suggesting frozen yogurt flavours and giving you a hand with your purchase.

                          Kristyn welcomes customers to Gojis with a big smile.

Kick off the summer weather with a delicious and nutritious treat from Gojis!

Marshmallow, wedding cake and chocolate frozen yogurt, topped with cheese cake squares, Oreo crumble and melted Nutella.

Boysenberry and Key Lime frozen yogurt topped with strawberries, blackberries and blueberries.

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