Friday 10 July 2015

Things to Do: The Miramichi Exhibition

Every year the youth and adults of Miramichi look forward to the arrival of the Miramichi Exhibition, which takes place at the Exhibition Grounds in mid-July. There's something for everyone at the exhibition, from rides to food, carnival games to animals.

When set up, the exhibition has two parts to it, there's the teen and adult side and there's the young children side. This is done in a way that the rides and games on each side are age and height appropriate.

Fun Slide.

Giant hamster balls.

Kiddie Coaster.

Children's food stand.

Children's carnival games.

Other children's rides.

Children's obstacle course.

The teen and adult side is where you can find the faster and more thrills rides as well as the bingo tent, and a wider array of carnival games.


Carnival games.

Expo Wheel.

More games.

The Kamikaze.

The Himalaya.

The Scrambler.

The Spider.

The Tilt-a-Whirl.

The Zipper.

The Zipper in action.

In the animal department there are several barns which people can access. There's the baby animals barn where guests can see a variety of baby farm animals. 

Baby animals barn.



Baby goat.


There's the stables where guests can see horses and there's also a pony ride. 

Horse barn. 


The other spot guests can encounter animals is the petting zoo.



Mountain ram.







These pictures were taken at last year's exhibition. This year The 92nd Miramichi Exhibition will be at the Exhibitions Grounds July 14 to July 19. Admission is free and every day is a bracelet day. To see a list of attractions and a schedule for this year's events, go to 

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