Tuesday 7 July 2015

Things to Do: Strawberry Marsh

If you are a fan of long walks, nature and wildlife, then Strawberry Marsh is the place to be! With long walking trails surrounded by a variety of plants and animals, the marsh is a calm and peaceful place to take a stroll.

Strawberry Marsh is on of Miramichi's tourist spots.

"Step onto one of Strawberry Marsh's walking trails and into an incredible natural world where birds, saltwater marshes, and panoramic views abound."

"A Living Marsh
Strawberry Marsh is a resilient natural space that has undergone incredible transformations. Once a racetrack, baseball field, and even a garbage dump, the marsh has withstood years of heavy use. Today, this healthy marsh ecosystem thrives through community efforts, and is a popular place for both residents and anglers alike."

Trail up one of the lookouts.

View from the lookout.

"A Living Marsh
It's hard to believe that this quiet landscape was once alive with the sounds of hooves pounding against the muddy marshland. In those days, people came to Strawberry Marsh to enjoy an afternoon at the track: racing their best horses and placing bets on the winner. After the track closed the marsh hosted baseball games and even served as a dumping ground for garbage. Today, almost no trace remains of the years of heavy use the marsh endured. But with a sharp eye and an alert ear you can spot a healthy marsh replete with native plants and animals - a testament to the resiliency of this unique ecosystem."

"Sacred Grass
For thousands of years, Strawberry Marsh has been home to sweetgrass: a sacred plant prized by the Mi'kmaq and Maliseet, often burned to attract positive energy in a ritual known as a smudge. Smoke from braided, burning sweetgrass is fanned toward the body and washed over the head and heart, all the way down to the feet."

"Valuable Garbage
Strawberry Marsh is home to a water treatment system created from more than 100,000 tonnes of garbage. Guided by the principles of geoscience, trash from an abandoned dump was converted into fill that was molded into an award winning earthen structure -the first of its kind - used for the treatment of the city's waste water."

View from one of the other lookouts.

Dirt path down to the beach.

View down the beach, Beaubears Island can be seen in the background.

View down the beach toward the Miramichi bridge.

Dirt path leading out of the marsh.

Sign for the main trail.

"Step onto one of Strawberry Marsh's walking trails and into an incredible natural world where birds, saltwater marshes, and panoramic views abound."

View out to the river from the main path.

One of the water areas in the marsh.

Main path.

"This beautiful riverfront marsh teems with waterfowl and plant life, and hints at an important industrial past."

"A Living Marsh
Strawberry Marsh is a resilient natural space that has undergone incredible transformations. Once a racetrack, baseball field, and even a garbage dump, the marsh has withstood years of heavy use. Today, this healthy marsh ecosystem thrives through community efforts, and is a popular place for both residents and anglers alike."

This beaver dam is one of the many signs of the wildlife found in Strawberry Marsh,

Tree cover through one part of the path.

One of many species of birds that can be found in Strawberry Marsh.

A nice spot to sit and observe birds and the river.

A deep water area in the marsh.

One of the areas where the marsh connects with the river.

The tunnel that runs under the highway to get in and out of the marsh by car.

One of the trails that goes up to the parking lot.

The parking lot for people who come to the marsh by car.

Strawberry Marsh is one of many places in Miramichi that is full of history. Today, in addition to the wildlife living there, you can find people running or walking the trails, and pet owners taking their dogs for a walk. This is a nice place to go if you want to take some time away from the bustle of the city.

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