Monday 24 August 2015

Festivals and Events: Burnt Church (Esgenoôpetitj) First Nation Powwow

This past weekend was the Burnt Church (Esgenoôpetitj) First Nation Powwow. The three-day long event featured traditional dancing and drumming, as well as vendors of all sorts.


One of the many dancers.

Traditional dancing for the grand entry.

The vendor stalls were all different, but items for sale ranged from handmade crafts, to food, to clothing items.

The vendor stalls lined up on either side of the main path.

As always, the powwow ended with a huge feast for everyone. It was another successful year, where many people attended and enjoyed the festivities. To learn more about the Burnt Church (Esgenoôpetitj) First Nation Powwow, check out their website at!

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