Tuesday 25 August 2015

Historical Places: MacDonald Farm

One of the historical sites in Miramichi is MacDonald Farm.

Sign to come into the farm.

Cabin where you pay and then go down to the house.

Inside the cabin, there are a number of information panels.

Panel on Alexander MacDonald.

Panel on salmon fishery.

Panel on the decline of shipbuilding in Miramichi.

Panel on the colonel.

Panel on the earliest New Brunswickers.

Display for Joseph Cunard & Co.

Panel on the sail.

Panels on Miramichi Folksongs.

There is the option to walk or to take the horse and buggie down to the farm.

Scottish settler Alexander MacDonald moved to Miramichi, where he was originally given a plot of land on the other side of the river. However, he switched with a good friend to the larger plot due to the fact that he had 13 children.

The house.

The kitchen.

The parlor.

Master bedroom.

Hallway on first floor, small bedroom at the end, believed to be the maid's room.

Originally the upper level was just on big open space with beds for the children, but when the government bought the house and turned it into a historic site, they had walls put in to separate rooms and turned it into the boys' bedroom and the sewing room.

The boys' bedroom.

The boys' bedroom.

Sewing room.

Sewing room.

Many of the items in the house are original from 200 years ago. As moving was done by boat back then, many of the larger items couldn't be brought and were thus left in the house.

MacDonald Farm is a functioning farm as well as a tourist attraction. There are animals on the grounds and a garden that the tour guides take care of during their summer employment.


Tour guides working in the garden. They are dressed in the clothing from the era.

Chicken coop and goat house.




Goat and sheep.

There is also a small heard of cows and a litter of new born barn kittens, they were all hiding from the heat.


Inside of barn.

The farm also has an amazing view of the water from the back door of the house. There is also a trail that leads down to the water.

View from the back door.

Trail down to the water.

View from the trail.

View of the back of the house from the water.

MacDonald Farm is a place rich in history that is still used to this day to teach future generations about the hardships of those who settled Miramichi, and also to keep history alive through education. It's definitely worth going to visit while in Miramichi. Check out their website for more information at www.macdonaldfarm.ca!

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