Friday 21 August 2015

Things to Do: Dare the Dark Headless Nun Tour

Who doesn't like a good ghost story?

Journey into the depths of the French Fort Cove trails with your tour guides as they take you back to a time of disease, hunger, poverty and desolation. The guides will tell you about the hardships the Acadians faced when they first came here.

One of the guides talking about the story they are about to tell.

Throughout the tour, you will meet a whole slew of characters who take you from the past to the present tales that involve the nun and her tragic story.

The Acadian woman who tells the story of poverty the Acadians endured in their time at the cove.

The Acadians came to Canada with the promise of a new start and were sadly misled in that decision. Many of them died of disease and hunger; the elderly and the children were the ones most affected by these things and many of them didn't make it through the first winter there.

The tour guides encounter a hunter who warns them of the dangers of the cove and the British army.

The British army at the time was at war with the French. The Acadians were worried about losing their most prized possessions and this is how they came to be gathered all together and hidden in a place that only Sister Marie knew the location of, to keep them safe from the British.

When supplies were to come from France, there also came another surprise with them: leprosy. One of the men infected with the disease escaped and came to the cove, where he was an outcast, living in the trees. This man tried to help the Acadians the best he could by bringing them a deer he had killed, but they didn't trust him. 

Eventually the isolation and the disease drove him mad and in desperation to return to France, he cornered Sister Marie one night as she was on her way home and demanded to know where the treasure was. When she refused to tell him, he cut off her head and threw it in the water. 

One of the tour guides is accosted by the leper who lives in the woods of the cove.

The story says that Sister Marie's head was never found and her body was sent back to France for burial, however, her spirit still roams the cove looking for her head. There are many legends surrounding her tale of people who have gone looking for the treasure, only to be confronted by the nun and later die when they ran out of the cove.

Others include people who just stumbled upon her in the dark while out for a walk, or demanding she show herself to them. These people have since left the Miramichi area to get away from her.

As with any legend, there is always some truth, the question is what do you believe? Take a tour with your guides and see what horrors await you in the cove.

Tours run every summer, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10. There are still tours going on next week and tonight. Go Dare the Dark with headless nun... if you aren't too scared.

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