Friday 21 August 2015

Things to Do: Little Sheephouse Falls

One nice thing about living in New Brunswick is the abundance of nature. We are surrounded by forests and rivers in Miramichi and it's a really great way to get in touch with Earth and to feel healthy with all the circulating oxygen. Little Sheephouse Falls is one of those places that you can go to hike the trails and revel in all the beauty nature has to offer.

Signs for distance to waterfalls.

Trail map.

There are three water falls that can be reached through the hiking trails. 

Crossing this bridge will take you to the look out point for Little Sheephouse Falls.

Under the bridge, the water flows into this little water fall - Hopewell Falls.

Hopewell Falls lookout.

Hiking trail to get to lookout spot for Little Sheephouse Falls.

Lookout for Little Sheephouse Falls.

The lookout makes it a bit difficult to see the water fall clearly because of the tree cover, so we went around the other trail to get down to the falls for better pictures.

The trail down to Little Sheephouse Falls, it's extremely steep, so there are ropes to help people get down to the falls.

Little Sheephouse Falls.

This is a popular swimming spot during the summer. The water is quite deep in some places near the water fall and makes for a fun swim in the hot weather.

To get to the next falls, you have to cross another little bridge and follow the trail.

Here, there are stairs to get down to see the falls.

Lookout spot for Lamb Falls.

Lamb Falls.

All the trails connect back to the parking area, so following the signs to the parking lot and the looping trails will get you right back to where you want to go.

On the way back to the parking area, there is this little covered bridge that you will get to cross through.

Little Sheephouse Falls is just one of the many scenic places Miramichi has to offer to locals and tourists. It's a nice place to go on a hot day to cool off, or on a cooler day to just take a stroll through the trails.

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