Monday 24 August 2015

Places to Eat: Napan Baykery and Café

The Napan Baykery and Café is a quaint little place on Water Street where you will meet the sweetest couple, who own the shop.

The Napan Baykery and Café.

Werner and Kristin Pesch opened the bakery in August 1999. They had moved to Miramichi, from Germany, two years previously, where they had a bakery before.

Owner, Kristin Pesch.

"We started dreaming of good bread and sweets," said Kristin. With that, they started selling baked goods at the local farmers' market to gauge whether or not there was a market here for them to reopen.

Fresh baked breads.

Freshly baked sweets.

 "[The famers' market is] good for anyone new to see if there's a market for it and if people like it," she said. Of course, people liked their food and it was enough for them to make the decision to open the bakery.

Inside the bakery the couple have a small seating area for their customers, for a real café feel.
"We have regular tables, regular dishes, we want to have a different feel because it's hard to have a coffee shop next to a Tim Hortons," said Kristin.

Seating area.

On the wall in the seating area is a map and a log book where tourists can indicated where they are from in the world.

Despite being next to a large franchise, they have their regular customers and they do very well in the summer with visiting tourists. "They look for something different when they come," she said.

In addition to selling baked goods, the couple also has an art gallery in the café with art work available to purchase. All the proceeds go to the artist.

One part of the art gallery.

The Napan Baykery and Café is definitely a spot tourists will want to visit when coming into the city, or even just for locals looking to try something new and delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Werner wie geht euch?
    Bin Tobias Von der Meisterschule in Würzburg.

    Der Schwabe.
