Sunday 6 September 2015

Historical Places: W. S. Loggie Cultural Centre

The W.S. Loggie Cultural Centre is the one of the other historical houses located in Miramichi. On the Chatham side of the river at 222 Wellington St., the house is an 18th century Victorian style.

Front of the house.

Back of the house.

There's a collective garden behind the house.

The garden.

The house is used for many different events in the city and also is one of the places the Schizophrenia Society of New Brunswick occasionally operates from.

To arrange visitations of the house, call (506) 773-4996.

**I was unable to get a tour of the house before leaving to go back to school, however, I have arranged to take a look inside when I am home for Thanksgiving, so stayed tuned for that updated post.**

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