Monday 14 September 2015

Things to Do: Miramichi Natural History Museum

The Miramichi Natural History Museum is a place full of exciting local, national and international history.

Miramichi History Museum.

The museum itself has a history as well. Pictured above is the newer building they moved into a few years ago. The old building they were in was torn down last year as it was no longer a safe structure.

At first when you walk in, the walls in the entrance are covered in some of the local history and fauna.

An example of the fauna in the entry way.

Benny the Bear has been with the museum from the very beginning.

From the entry way, you walk through the archway into the main viewing room, which is filled with showcase after showcase of different historical artifacts, from corals and sea creatures to old typewriters and ink wells.

View of the main room from the archway.

View of the main room from the back.

Showcase with old money.

Showcase with Miramichi flora.

Showcase with Miramichi flora.

Showcase with typewriters and ink well.

Along the walls, there are a number of different exhibits displaying parts of Miramichi's history.

Miramichi and shipping.

Some of the First Nations artifacts.

One of the neat things the museum has is an arrangement with another history museum in Australia. In exchange for some local pieces of our history, they sent an exhibit on some of their historical battle equipment.

Australia exhibit.

Like many of the other museums in the city, the Miramichi Natural History Museum is operated mostly over the summer by summer students. However, calls can be made to select committee members of the museum for special guided tours throughout the year. To learn more, check our their Facebook page at!

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